That Third Barrel – Blackfeet NAID Rodeo Barrel Racing


One of the more interesting competitions in a rodeo is the barrel racing. This is especially true at the annual Blackfeet rodeo during their NAID (North American Indian Days) get together. This is an event where the women participants shine. It takes skill, a good mount, a little bit of luck and a willing motivated rider and horse to win.

The horse and rider need to be as one to excel at this event as it takes a special communication between them to run this simple appearing course without causing any errors. Errors result in penalties, and a penalty adds time to their final result. Lowest time for completing the course wins. This is a chance to see perfection in both the efforts of the horse and the skill of the rider.

The course is laid out with the barrels placed at the three points of a triangle, with the base of triangle being the entry point. The rider enters and heads for barrel number one which is at the right point of the triangle base as she enters and crosses the starting line. She circles it and heads for barrel number two which is at the left of the triangle. She circles that one and heads for barrel number three which is at the point of the triangle farthest away from the entry point. This is where things get really interesting not to mention exciting. If the rider has had a successful ride to this point, which means she has circled the first two barrels without knocking any of them over causing her a penalty, she must circle this last barrel as fast as she and her mount can get around it, always being careful not to knock it over, then she and her horse must accelerate out of the turn and race like the very wind to the finish line.

Watching them come out of that last turn with the horse leaning into the corner nearly parallel with the ground and the rider leaning over her horse’s neck encouraging her mount to put everything it has into the race over the long straight away to the finish line, is about as exciting for participants and onlookers as it gets.

Here are a few images of riders and their mounts at various points during the event. These have been chosen primarily to show the form of both the rider and her horse. The skill of the horse in making these tight turns and the skill of the riders in guiding it through the event.


Rider coming into Barrel one. Tight turn, get close but miss the barrel.


Bad luck. This rider knocked over the barrel so seconds are added to her score. It is hard to recover from a penalty as far as getting a winning score. But everyone who completes a run is a winner. They just may not be in first place.


A young rider and her horse coming out of barrel number two. This event is open to all ages, and they start young here in Blackfeet land.


A rider and her mount coming ‘hot’ into the last and final barrel, barrel three. Have to hit it hard to get ready for the final run to the finish line.


Ploughing hard into barrel three. Horse is skidding hard to make the turn. The rider is focusing on the finish line.


Riding like the wind. Manes on both horse and rider flying as they rush into the turn. This is poetry in motion. If you love a beautiful horse and seeing the skill of its rider as both perform to their utmost, then this is an event for you.


” I know you don’t want to hear this but I’ve got the best time in this event. That means that my rider and I win. That means extra hay, and OATS. And rubbed down every night for a week. And I get loaded in the trailer first. Every time we go somewhere. What was your time? Oh I’m sorry, is this bruise from hitting that barrel in turn one? Did I mention that we are the winners?”

Some winners are a little less gracious than they could be, but after all winning is a big deal to the horse so you might forgive a little gloating. Especially if the one you’re gloating over won last week. This is a fun event and exciting to watch and even more so if you have a beer bet on your favorite rider and horse partners.

Cowboy’s Monday Morning – Bull’s Saturday Night

Last year at The Blackfeet’s annual North American Indian Days or NAID we had a chance to observe this interesting phenomenon during their rodeo. It was a short little presentation of how the cowboy’s and the bulls get along. If you had any thoughts that bull riding was like professional wrestling you might think again as both the cowboy and the bull would try and convince you otherwise.


The title of today’s post is Cowboy’s Monday Morning – Bull’s Saturday night. The cowboy is having a Monday morning due to the fact that for whatever reason he neglected to hold on very tightly to the Bull rope, his lifeline and anchor point to remain seated firmly on the bull’s back, and to maintain the proper posture required to look good to impress any ladies watching. This lack of attention on his part meant he would soon be leaving the safety and comfort of his seat on the bulls back.


The bull being very, very sensitive to the rider on his back has been waiting impatiently for this slight error to occur. When it does that is the beginning of the Bull’s Saturday night as things begin to become very entertaining for the bull. There will dancing and singing and prancing in the street as the bull capitalizes on the cowboys lack of attention.


As the bull causes the separation of the cowboy from his back he just glances back slightly to make any corrections in his form and to check that the cowboy will land in the spot where he can bring his hindquarters squarely down on the cowboys chest. This is called “stomping the cowboy silly” in rodeo parlance. The bull enjoys this part very much.


As the cowboy lands perfectly and shows the proper amount of discomfort the bull raises his hindquarters for a perfect two point landing on the cowboys chest. This is called scoring and usually gets the bull big points. The cowboy not so much. His score is rapidly going down the tubes right now.


Here we see the bull performing his trademark happy dance, similar to when a football player scores a touchdown. He is very pleased at this point. The cowboy isn’t as thrilled with how things turned out and is actively thinking that the job down at the Post Office doesn’t sound too bad at the moment.

This is just one little story of the constant battle between man and beast and rodeos and photographers and Blackfeet bull riders and rides to the ER and extra hay for the bull and all things rodeo. This time things went in favor of the beast. Next time Man might prevail. It’s up to you to decide who you want to vote for. In this particular battle the odds are slightly in favor of the bull. But every once in a while the cowboy wins. That’s nice too. How’s your Monday morning going. If it is better than the cowboys, well hell, go get yourself another cup of coffee. You deserve it.

Horse Spinning


We don’t normally repost images here on BigShotsNow but some information that has surfaced and been made public require our clarifying facts regarding this picture. This shot was originally posted on 2015-09-02 and referred to events taking place at the Crow Fair rodeo.

Originally there was a comment attached to this photo referring to an unusual way to dismount a bucking horse when one tired of riding it. We have to tender an apology as we were mistaken in providing that information. This is not what is happening at all.

What is happening in the image is not a regular or common shot of a cowboy falling off his horse, but is in fact a horse and rider participating in one of the newest and most spectacular events on the rodeo circuit. That event is Horse Spinning. Many of you who attend rodeo events regularly, have known about this event for sometime but have been remiss in sharing this information, (I’m looking at you, Eddie) so we misreported a very important event when it should have received worldwide attention due to its uniqueness.

It is a simple appearing event but that is totally misleading as this event brings into play every skill that the horse and rider possesses. What you see in the image above is the rider entering into position so the horse, who is just stepping into the first part of the circle, can complete a rotation. The horse has to have complete control of its bucking ability as it needs to know exactly how and when to ‘Unload” the cowboy while maintaining enough speed to keep its revolutions up, and the cowboy has to have dexterity and strength and an ability to overcome dizziness similar to what astronauts are tested for, to keep the horse totally focused on “getting his rev’s in”. Where the cowboy places his foot on the side of the horses body allows him to be the pivot man and determines how much strength he needs to have, to pull the horse around him in a 360° circle. The amount of bucking the horse does in his circuitous route around the cowboy and the cowboys ability to remain properly suspended in the proper position while spinning around with his horse, will give him a point rating for the event.

One to three rotations of the pair will give the team a score of two to four depending on how stable the cowboy looked while competing and how the judges viewed their performance. Turning in a performance of eleven rotations or more within the eight seconds allowed for the event will send the team to the National hands down. This team was only able to get one and a half revolutions in the eight seconds and were  ultimately disqualified due to the cowboy letting his left foot leave the horse’s side. His foot must be firmly stuck to the horse’s side throughout the event. One of the rules applied to this competition event is that once airborne, the cowboy’s foot can not leave the horse’s side or use his foot to hook into the stirrup or the team will be disqualified and given no score. That’s what happened here. Tough luck for this team.

It was a bitter disappointment for the team as they were thought to be one of the frontrunners in this event and destined to bring this event to a much broader audience by attending the Nationals. But this is rodeo. One day you win, another you don’t. There’s always the next time when fortunes can change in a heartbeat, or a rotation in this case. Be sure to watch for this event in upcoming rodeos. This will be a showstopper right up there with bull riding. For more information on this event and how to enter contact The Director at The Institute and we’ll send you to the proper people to talk to.

Crow Fair Revisited Part 2

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. This is part 2. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning sun is warming the lodges.


Returning from the river after watering the herd


Opening ceremonies


Families joining in the circles.


Many happy faces


Recognizing Royalty


Recognizing Royalty ,especially  the youngest ones.


Men’s dancers


Dancing into the sunset


Men’s regalia


Dancing around the circle


Women presenting the colors at the start of the parade


Incredible regalia display


Different styles of dress were part of the parade


Crow woman with beautiful bead work


Crow mother and son riding in the parade


Young man in full headdress


Teen boy in full headdress.


Crow woman with bow and quiver


Young girl with elk tooth dress


Always watchful, there is so much to learn


Scene from the past


Closing ceremonies


Kids saying goodbye,

Watch for further posts from both the Crow Fair and the NAID Blackfeet gathering in the weeks to come.

Crow Fair Revisited

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning in the camp.


Entering the circle


Introducing the young to the ways


Jingle dancer in perfect form


Adjustments made


A princess being recognized


Another princess proudly receiving her welcome


A soon to be princess watching closely


Elders entering the circle


Regalia on display


A study in concentration


Close watch


Parade arriving


Showing her the ropes


Royalty on a grey horse


Confident and proud


Displaying the fan


Million dollar smile


Complete focus


Displaying his wealth


Controlling the high spirits


Gorgeous Elk tooth shirts


After the parade


Closing ceremonies

Tomorrow will be another set of images from the 2014 Crow Fair. Stop by.

Sweet Nothings


The highlight of any Indian rodeo is the Indian Relay Races. That event alone is worth traveling just about any distance to see. These races must be held out doors as the excitement generated at one of these races will simply blow the roof off any building you try to hold them in. I know, these are bold statements, but once you see one of these races you’ll be a convert. To see more about these races visit this post to see it in action.

The intensity of the races builds to a fever pitch with horses, riders and even those in the grandstand filled to the brim with frenetic energy. Sometimes the excitement gets to the point where the horse loses control and begins to act up because it wants to be out on that racetrack running its heart out. But it isn’t its time yet. It has to remain here in position so that when the relay rider comes in, it is ready for him to mount and race away, hopefully winning the race.

What you see here is a brief moment in time where the handler has an intimate quiet discussion with the horse explaining to it that it needs to remain calm. If it does it will have its chance in a second and that if it just stays calm a little longer it’ll be out on that track running like the wind and it will be the winner. A horse among horses. King of the stables. Or something like that. It was hard to hear over all the screaming from the grandstands.

Surprisingly the horse calmed right down and patiently waited for the rider to come in and make the exchange. We’d like to report that this horse and rider did win the race but unfortunately that didn’t happen. He came in second. There is only one winner in a horse race and this wasn’t this horse’s day. But there’s always the next race, the next rodeo, the next chance to be a winner. They’ll be back.

Crow Woman Dancing


One of the interesting things about watching the participants of the Crow Fair ceremonies and dancing is seeing how many of the competitors have melded the traditional and the modern  to create to create a unique style all of their own. This blending of the old and new complements each other and shows the evolution of enhancing the old with the new until it becomes a part of the culture.

The traditional style is so strong and shows through as such, leaving no doubt as to what is the dominant style. The accessories added, effortlessly become one with the look. The supreme confidence of the wearer makes this effect even stronger.

The crow Fair creates a never-ending view of past and present. To be able to see the present celebrate the past yet adapt to the future as well is a fascinating experience. This is not a static culture. It is dynamic yet never loses touch with its past. One wants to know what the future will bring.

Portrait Of A Crow Dancer


When I was at The Crow Fair last August I had the opportunity to photograph many of the participants. There was constant dancing and drumming and everywhere you looked was a swirling kaleidoscope of color and movement. Dozens and dozens of dancers participated in the contests and different ceremonies. It seems as if one of the reasons for the festivities was to create a sensation of constant movement, color and sound.

Yet every once in a while you would find someone standing motionless, watching, alistening, being in the moment. This Crow dancer was one of those who took a moment out of the frenetic activity to perhaps reflect on his heritage and the part he plays in it.

Periodically I will be featuring portraits of the many dancers from several tribes. This is the first featured participant. I am proud to present Crow Dancer.

Night Comes To The Blackfeet Camp


The day has been blisteringly hot. Smoke from the western forest fires has been drifting past the camp, sometimes so thick you felt like you were next to the flames. There was some relief from the heat as the sun began its journey past the horizon but not that much. There was no relief from the smoke.

As you looked about the camp the lodges began to fade to black, the lodge poles standing out in stark relief against the sky. But the sky. How beautiful was the sky. If it hadn’t been the result of the massive catastrophe that the smoke represented the resulting colors caused by the sunlight’s passage through it would have been the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. It was still gorgeous but you knew in the back of your mind this sunset wouldn’t have been this intense if it hadn’t been for the smoke.

However reality is what is happening right now. These events are real. The sun setting, the smoke, the camp, the dancing, everything is real. You might wish the smoke wasn’t there. You might wish the heat was less, but it isn’t and this what you have to accept as an observer and participant in the life that is happening  around you right now. To get the most out of life embrace the time you’re in. Savor every moment because this experience will not come again.

Crow Fair 2015 Closing Ceremony

We’ve come to the end of the Crow Fair for 2015. This is the day that the closing ceremony is held and that concludes the Fair. The ceremony takes place throughout the camp. The four points of the compass have been marked and as the people gather at the first one the drums commence. The participants dance around the circle, and then they move on to the next point until all points have been visited and the final dance is done.

One of the participants told me that this is their most important get together. It is their biggest holiday. It’s like their New Year’s Day and the ceremony performed art the end of the get together covers several aspects of their life. It is a time of thanksgiving for the good things that happened last year, it is a blessing on the people and their land, and it is a time to ask for a good year ahead. It is a religious and spiritual holiday as much as a secular and celebratory one.

The ceremony consists of the participants dancing around the drummers while songs are sung, They dance in a circle then leave that starting point to complete the same activities at each of the four points. When they’re finished they have danced in the circle four times and have completed the bigger circle of celebrating at each point. Another circle has been completed.


Thesis the first point of the ceremony and the drummers have started. A small crowd of participants have gathered to commence dancing.


Those that been chosen to lead the dancers during the ceremony are the first to enter the circle. Soon others will join into the line and dance.


The men started the dance and the women soon join them


They dance around the drummers with more people joining


When the correct number of revolutions around the drummers have been taken and the ceremonial procedures completed they start out for the next point on the circuit.


By now many more dancers have joined the line and follow on to the next point


The drummers are the last to leave and bring up the rear of the line playing as they walk.


The leaders are nearing the second point as they walk by teepees and a horse


The leaders  are continually dancing as they head into the second area


They begin to dance the circle with everyone following


The dancers wave as a greeting that can mean hello or good by


The circle is fully formed and the dancers wait as ceremonial issues are completed


There is a final dance around the circle


Participants are deeply moved during the ceremonies


They leave the second point to journey to the third


By now there are a huge number of participants as more and more join the journey. The  weather has been threatening since the start of the ceremony and it is approaching the dancers with high winds and the threat of rain. A few sprinkles have  started and the temperature has dropped significantly.


At the third point the rain is closing in from the right, just over the crest of the low hill. The dancers continue and the circle is becoming very large as all the dancers fill up the circle. The wind is becoming much stronger and there is a sense of heightened drama as if the weather feels the need to join with the ceremony.


The rain broke and as the celebrants journeyed to the fourth and final point, umbrellas came out for those that had them and others continued on disregarding the rain


The ritual greeting is offered


The drummers following never missed a beat, the sounds of the drum holding everybody together.


At the final point of the ceremony the drummers set up, the pipe has been lit and passed among them as it has been at every stop of the ceremony, the circle has formed and the rain is ignored as it falls harder.


The participants stand quietly in the downpour listening and watching the final moments of the ceremony. This only happens once a year and it is happening now. Everything is very real in what could be a surreal experience. The ceremony, the rain, the feeling of connection with the earth and each other is a feeling felt by everyone participating, dancers and viewers alike. This is one of those experiences that has been etched on my soul. The Crow and others tribes have retained something important that I believe we have lost. A sense of community and family that transcends weather and adversity and even time to create a bond that is reinforced by these gatherings. When they leave this ceremony and go their separate ways they are not apart, they are not alone, they have their tribe, their culture, their heritage and each other. They have a real feeling of belonging. Something that is disappearing in our culture. I envy them.


With the final ceremony completed and the rain letting up a little everyone dances a final circuit of the circle then it’s over. The 2015 Crow Fair is done for this year.


After the closing ceremonies are over those members of the tribe that live some distance away begin the task of taking down their lodges, tearing down the rest of the camp and heading home. it is a bittersweet moment to see the bare lodge poles sticking up. But as they say, There’s always next year.