Sweet Nothings


The highlight of any Indian rodeo is the Indian Relay Races. That event alone is worth traveling just about any distance to see. These races must be held out doors as the excitement generated at one of these races will simply blow the roof off any building you try to hold them in. I know, these are bold statements, but once you see one of these races you’ll be a convert. To see more about these races visit this post http://www.bigshotsnow.com/crow-fair-2015-indian-relay-races/ to see it in action.

The intensity of the races builds to a fever pitch with horses, riders and even those in the grandstand filled to the brim with frenetic energy. Sometimes the excitement gets to the point where the horse loses control and begins to act up because it wants to be out on that racetrack running its heart out. But it isn’t its time yet. It has to remain here in position so that when the relay rider comes in, it is ready for him to mount and race away, hopefully winning the race.

What you see here is a brief moment in time where the handler has an intimate quiet discussion with the horse explaining to it that it needs to remain calm. If it does it will have its chance in a second and that if it just stays calm a little longer it’ll be out on that track running like the wind and it will be the winner. A horse among horses. King of the stables. Or something like that. It was hard to hear over all the screaming from the grandstands.

Surprisingly the horse calmed right down and patiently waited for the rider to come in and make the exchange. We’d like to report that this horse and rider did win the race but unfortunately that didn’t happen. He came in second. There is only one winner in a horse race and this wasn’t this horse’s day. But there’s always the next race, the next rodeo, the next chance to be a winner. They’ll be back.

Crow Fair 2015 Post Parade Gathering


After gathering together before the parade began the participants of the 2015 Crow Fair Parade then passed through the camp on the parade route and returned to the staging area. The streets were lined with hundreds of parade viewers, most sitting in folding camp chairs, some standing, kids running and following along the sidelines becoming a part of the parade too. It was a very hot day, well over a hundred degrees and everywhere you looked there were umbrellas to keep off the sun and water bottles coming out of coolers.  The parade had traveled down through the assembled teepees, over 1200 of them this year, and followed along the Little Bighorn river before returning to the staging area to disassemble and find out who won for best in their categories.


As the first group in the parade the color guard returned and furled their flags


Then individuals returned


Women of the Elk Tooth category remained in formation as they returned to the staging area


As always seeing the various parade members up close and admiring the trappings on them and their horses up close was a thrill


This could as easily be a photograph from the mid-1800’s as a modern one. Time travel was possible here today if your imagination was strong enough.


There was a much more relaxed atmosphere now that the parade was over


Fathers bring their kids back


Mom’s too, even if they were ready for a nap


A gentle touch for a beloved horse, perhaps a moment to enjoy what just transpired


Generations riding together enjoying the companionship


Everyone taking in the experience


Some perhaps a little less than the others, but it’s been a long hot day full of excitement and now that it’s over a well deserved yawn is ok.


Every type of look imaginable is here, from painted faces to simple yet striking horse trappings


A smile is always worth a picture


The tribes were always quick to adopt new things so sunglasses fit right in


Young members of the tribe watch carefully, everything is a learning experience


There were a lot of smiles scattered throughout the gathering


Hundreds of Elk Teeth adorn this blanket. Attention to detail was paramount


Mischievous smiles were also included


So were good old-fashioned honest ones. There is a lot of joy amongst the people.


There are still a few chores to be done even at the end of the parade. Holding the horse is one, a big responsibility for a small girl.


Apparently the parade was a little taxing for one member and a break was indicated.


This group was chosen as best in their various categories, although every single participant in the parade was a winner.


Above you see the members of the Parade committee. These tireless participants made this incredible event happen, dedicating time and energy and their boundless enthusiasm to put the parade together. They deserve the praise and thanks of anyone who was in the parade or viewed it. Thanks for and incredible effort, and thanks for an incredible parade. You were amazing.

Crow Fair 2015 Women’s Dancing


The women enter the arbor and join the circle to start the festivities for the 2015 Crow Fair. All of the different categories and styles are represented. As the afternoon progresses each one will have their moment in the spotlight but right now there is the excitement that reigns as everyone dances in together and completes the circle.

During the competition the men and women dance separately, each group having the opportunity to showcase their particular style of dancing, from the youngest to the oldest everyone gets their moment in the sun.


It’s a moment to wave hello to friends in the audience


Or a moment to demonstrate some of the steps that you will see later in the individual competition.


Everyone is looking their best


Walking to your appointed place for the next dance gives everyone a chance to see the incredible designs and beadwork of the various dancers


As the dances commence there is a whirlwind of color and perfect footwork


Some of the dancers display what must be hundreds of hours of painstaking beadwork on their dresses.


Throughout the days and nights it is the drum that holds everything together. Without it  there would be no continuity to the festivities. Its steady beat is the thread that ties everything together.


Style and poise are the norm as every dancer gets her opportunity to impress.


Each dancer does her best to display the emotion of her particular style of dancing


Some dances are quiet with careful footwork and perfect positioning of the fans carried.


While others give an opportunity for more expression


Many of the dancers are lost in the moment


While  the judges keep a careful eye on every move. They are also participants at times and know every move and gesture that should be made.


Perfect form and composure is constantly on display


Some styles are more traditional


Yet there are new things added as time passes


It is also the opportunity to show the incredible beauty of the design and workmanship of their dresses and the regal bearing of the dancers


The drummers wait for the moment the next dance begins


While the singers add their voices to the soundtrack of the day


Since footwork plays such an important part of the dances, it helps to have the best looking pair of moccasins in the competition.


The afternoon is wearing  on and still they dance.


As the light changes to the golden glow of late afternoon one of the final dancers is bathed in its glory. The color of her shawl made even more spectacular by the intensity of the coming sunset she dances in celebration of her heritage.

The dancing is over for this afternoon but after a short break for dinner they will be back and dance late into the night. The dances being one of the main reason for the gathering are performed throughout the length of the fair. It is so woven into the fabric of the Crow Fair that there wouldn’t be a fair without it.

In case you’re tuning in late here are the links of the 2015 Crow Fair that have been posted so far.

