Crow Camp – Nearest The Fire


Walking through the Crow camp on a moonless night, watching your footing as your eyes are having difficulty adjusting to the darkness, you find yourself entering and leaving one oasis of light after another. Flashlights help but do little to overcome the inky blackness between one set of lodges and another.

The lodges have been set up in a random fashion in rows and groups generally following the banks of the Little Bighorn river as it winds its way from Custer’s battlefield down to the town of Crow Agency. It is one of those places where you have to know where you are before you can get where you’re going. It is very easy to get turned around in the labyrinth that is Crow camp, especially at night. The people living here know where they are. Little kids are out running around, darting like lightning bugs into one campsite after another and back home again as if they had built-in direction finders, which you suspect they do.

The sound of the camp varies from very noisy where one group may be playing the drum and singing, to quieter areas where small groups of the people are sitting around the fire, talking, laughing, enjoying each others company, and on to the stillness of the darkness when you leave the campsites.

Each of these places is a small area where the only light is from the fire and the occasional lantern. These islands of brightness scattered in the sea of blackness are welcoming, making you wish you could enter and sit and be a part of the festivities. Then you’d be home and wouldn’t have to walk and walk until you found your way back to your car and your own temporary home.

At every fireside there is one lodge that is nearest the fire. The flickering light from the burning logs changes the dull white of the lodge, covering it in a wavering, shimmering shade of gold. The lodge poles are highlighted against the darkness, the faint green of the surrounding trees barely visible in the background, the surrounding teepees just catching enough light to show you they are there.

The experience of being in the Crow Camp is one that has many layers, some loud and boisterous, others quieter and filled with subtle visions and sounds. The contrast of night and day is filled with excitement and wonder for someone new to the experience. Perhaps next time you can sit with the people in front of the lodge nearest the fire. What a memory that would be.

Crow Fair Revisited Part 2

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. This is part 2. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning sun is warming the lodges.


Returning from the river after watering the herd


Opening ceremonies


Families joining in the circles.


Many happy faces


Recognizing Royalty


Recognizing Royalty ,especially  the youngest ones.


Men’s dancers


Dancing into the sunset


Men’s regalia


Dancing around the circle


Women presenting the colors at the start of the parade


Incredible regalia display


Different styles of dress were part of the parade


Crow woman with beautiful bead work


Crow mother and son riding in the parade


Young man in full headdress


Teen boy in full headdress.


Crow woman with bow and quiver


Young girl with elk tooth dress


Always watchful, there is so much to learn


Scene from the past


Closing ceremonies


Kids saying goodbye,

Watch for further posts from both the Crow Fair and the NAID Blackfeet gathering in the weeks to come.

Crow Fair Revisited

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning in the camp.


Entering the circle


Introducing the young to the ways


Jingle dancer in perfect form


Adjustments made


A princess being recognized


Another princess proudly receiving her welcome


A soon to be princess watching closely


Elders entering the circle


Regalia on display


A study in concentration


Close watch


Parade arriving


Showing her the ropes


Royalty on a grey horse


Confident and proud


Displaying the fan


Million dollar smile


Complete focus


Displaying his wealth


Controlling the high spirits


Gorgeous Elk tooth shirts


After the parade


Closing ceremonies

Tomorrow will be another set of images from the 2014 Crow Fair. Stop by.

Crow Fair 2015 Closing Ceremony

We’ve come to the end of the Crow Fair for 2015. This is the day that the closing ceremony is held and that concludes the Fair. The ceremony takes place throughout the camp. The four points of the compass have been marked and as the people gather at the first one the drums commence. The participants dance around the circle, and then they move on to the next point until all points have been visited and the final dance is done.

One of the participants told me that this is their most important get together. It is their biggest holiday. It’s like their New Year’s Day and the ceremony performed art the end of the get together covers several aspects of their life. It is a time of thanksgiving for the good things that happened last year, it is a blessing on the people and their land, and it is a time to ask for a good year ahead. It is a religious and spiritual holiday as much as a secular and celebratory one.

The ceremony consists of the participants dancing around the drummers while songs are sung, They dance in a circle then leave that starting point to complete the same activities at each of the four points. When they’re finished they have danced in the circle four times and have completed the bigger circle of celebrating at each point. Another circle has been completed.


Thesis the first point of the ceremony and the drummers have started. A small crowd of participants have gathered to commence dancing.


Those that been chosen to lead the dancers during the ceremony are the first to enter the circle. Soon others will join into the line and dance.


The men started the dance and the women soon join them


They dance around the drummers with more people joining


When the correct number of revolutions around the drummers have been taken and the ceremonial procedures completed they start out for the next point on the circuit.


By now many more dancers have joined the line and follow on to the next point


The drummers are the last to leave and bring up the rear of the line playing as they walk.


The leaders are nearing the second point as they walk by teepees and a horse


The leaders  are continually dancing as they head into the second area


They begin to dance the circle with everyone following


The dancers wave as a greeting that can mean hello or good by


The circle is fully formed and the dancers wait as ceremonial issues are completed


There is a final dance around the circle


Participants are deeply moved during the ceremonies


They leave the second point to journey to the third


By now there are a huge number of participants as more and more join the journey. The  weather has been threatening since the start of the ceremony and it is approaching the dancers with high winds and the threat of rain. A few sprinkles have  started and the temperature has dropped significantly.


At the third point the rain is closing in from the right, just over the crest of the low hill. The dancers continue and the circle is becoming very large as all the dancers fill up the circle. The wind is becoming much stronger and there is a sense of heightened drama as if the weather feels the need to join with the ceremony.


The rain broke and as the celebrants journeyed to the fourth and final point, umbrellas came out for those that had them and others continued on disregarding the rain


The ritual greeting is offered


The drummers following never missed a beat, the sounds of the drum holding everybody together.


At the final point of the ceremony the drummers set up, the pipe has been lit and passed among them as it has been at every stop of the ceremony, the circle has formed and the rain is ignored as it falls harder.


The participants stand quietly in the downpour listening and watching the final moments of the ceremony. This only happens once a year and it is happening now. Everything is very real in what could be a surreal experience. The ceremony, the rain, the feeling of connection with the earth and each other is a feeling felt by everyone participating, dancers and viewers alike. This is one of those experiences that has been etched on my soul. The Crow and others tribes have retained something important that I believe we have lost. A sense of community and family that transcends weather and adversity and even time to create a bond that is reinforced by these gatherings. When they leave this ceremony and go their separate ways they are not apart, they are not alone, they have their tribe, their culture, their heritage and each other. They have a real feeling of belonging. Something that is disappearing in our culture. I envy them.


With the final ceremony completed and the rain letting up a little everyone dances a final circuit of the circle then it’s over. The 2015 Crow Fair is done for this year.


After the closing ceremonies are over those members of the tribe that live some distance away begin the task of taking down their lodges, tearing down the rest of the camp and heading home. it is a bittersweet moment to see the bare lodge poles sticking up. But as they say, There’s always next year.

Crow Fair 2015 Camp Life


Camp life at the Crow Fair is filled with opposites. Some times the camp is a wash of chaotic activity as everyone gets ready to attend the dance ceremonies or the parades and other times, like this morning, which happened to be a Sunday morning, everything was calm and serene.

Walking through the camp in the early morning just after sunup everything is still. There are no motor sounds yet from vehicles, or people calling from one area to another. It is quiet. The only sounds you hear are the horses gently calling to each other and the quiet sounds of camp life where people are just stirring, thinking about getting breakfast going, standing out by their lodges seeing what kind of day it is going to be. It is a good time to see the camp.


Horses are feeding, taking advantage of this quiet time. Soon enough they’ll be as excited as anyone else in the camp to be getting ready to attend the various activities.


The teepees are clustered closely together which usually means a large family group are all settled in next to one another.


Many groups fly the American flag above their camp.


A horse is waiting for someone to come and take him the river for a long drink. He’s just heard some other horses go by as early risers get a start on the day.


This is 2015 not 1876 and the rides are different for some of the people. It’s likely there is a horse tucked away somewhere but there is also a new breed of horse, a mechanized one, and it seems fitting to see it tied up in front of the lodge.


It’s unsure whether these folks that occupy this lodge are coming or going as it looks vacant. The topping to go on the arbor isn’t all in place up on the roof yet, so we’re betting on their coming.


Horses resting up for the day to come. Their owners lodge is just visible up over the hill.


There are many of these wall tents in the camp. Someone told me they serve as overflow if the teepees are overcrowded. He also told me he’d rather be in a teepee as the tents were too hot. The opening at the top of the teepees can be adjusted to let the hot air out so they were cooler to be in. After 100+ degree days any thing that would offer coolness was in high demand.


Placed against the tree line for shade and to block any wind this is a well placed group of lodges.


These riders are taking their horses down to the river for a drink. It’s also a good time to talk about whatever young women talk about.


The doors of the lodges are all facing the trees. you can see extra lodge poles leaning against the tree line.


There were some teepees that were decorated or painted but the majority were of white weathered canvas.


One evening after the dances ended very late, it seems that my vehicle misplaced itself and I wandered for several hours through the maze of teepees trying to find it. By about 1:30 in the morning I had found all 1200 of the tepees but not my Jeep. Of course never having been lost before in my life I neglected to bring a flashlight and since there is a major absence of street lights in a Crow camp, finding ones way about was difficult. Fortunately I learned an old Indian trick that night and turned on my flashlight app on my cell phone and eventually I found this red striped teepee that I remembered seeing on the way in and shortly after found the Jeep. There are  always adventures on these trips, some big, some little. This was a little one even though it didn’t feel that way as it was happening.


There were some teepees whose decoration had an unmistakable meaning


Horses picketed amongst the lodges was an amazing sight to see. The mix of old ways and new was constantly presented to the observer.


The patina on these lodges indicated that they had seen plenty of use. The ivory color was perfect for the setting.


It’s getting a little later in the morning now and this horse was definitely interested in going to the river. Shortly after this picture was taken he got his wish.


This is the Little Bighorn river as it wends its way through the camp. It’s quite shallow here so it’s easy to ride the horses down to the edge.


Some of the horses were eager to wade out in the water where it was slightly deeper, others preferred to drink at the  bank.


Boys bringing ponies down to get their drink. There was no horse-play here, pardon the pun, as these guys proceeded to get the stock watered. No rock throwing or goofing around, they got the job done well and were soon on their way back to camp.


A teepee set up along the river. They had shade all day and you could hear the river running by as well. A bonus for picking a great spot.


An overview of a small portion of the camp from a little ridge that ran along the back of the camp.


While out on the edge of the camp and looking towards the plains a flock of Prairie chickens passed by going swiftly over the exposed hilltop to the safety of the ravine on the other side.


This is a panorama made up of 25 pictures stitched together to try and show the size of the camp. If the picture were printed out it would be over 8′ long. Consequently to compress it down to this size so it would fit on to the page of the blog, details are very small indeed. If you click on it to see the slightly larger version you can see a little more.  But as it was only intended to give you a sense of scale and an overview of just how large the encampment is, hopefully it does that, even if you can’t make out who it is sitting in front of that back teepee is.

It is a good feeling to see that many lodges together and the people that fill them living together in harmony. When you think that there might be an average of four people to a lodge that is 4800 people. That’s a small town any where you want one.. What a great experience to have, to be able to see and take part in this get together. Crow Fair 2015.

Crow Fair 2015 Post Parade Gathering


After gathering together before the parade began the participants of the 2015 Crow Fair Parade then passed through the camp on the parade route and returned to the staging area. The streets were lined with hundreds of parade viewers, most sitting in folding camp chairs, some standing, kids running and following along the sidelines becoming a part of the parade too. It was a very hot day, well over a hundred degrees and everywhere you looked there were umbrellas to keep off the sun and water bottles coming out of coolers.  The parade had traveled down through the assembled teepees, over 1200 of them this year, and followed along the Little Bighorn river before returning to the staging area to disassemble and find out who won for best in their categories.


As the first group in the parade the color guard returned and furled their flags


Then individuals returned


Women of the Elk Tooth category remained in formation as they returned to the staging area


As always seeing the various parade members up close and admiring the trappings on them and their horses up close was a thrill


This could as easily be a photograph from the mid-1800’s as a modern one. Time travel was possible here today if your imagination was strong enough.


There was a much more relaxed atmosphere now that the parade was over


Fathers bring their kids back


Mom’s too, even if they were ready for a nap


A gentle touch for a beloved horse, perhaps a moment to enjoy what just transpired


Generations riding together enjoying the companionship


Everyone taking in the experience


Some perhaps a little less than the others, but it’s been a long hot day full of excitement and now that it’s over a well deserved yawn is ok.


Every type of look imaginable is here, from painted faces to simple yet striking horse trappings


A smile is always worth a picture


The tribes were always quick to adopt new things so sunglasses fit right in


Young members of the tribe watch carefully, everything is a learning experience


There were a lot of smiles scattered throughout the gathering


Hundreds of Elk Teeth adorn this blanket. Attention to detail was paramount


Mischievous smiles were also included


So were good old-fashioned honest ones. There is a lot of joy amongst the people.


There are still a few chores to be done even at the end of the parade. Holding the horse is one, a big responsibility for a small girl.


Apparently the parade was a little taxing for one member and a break was indicated.


This group was chosen as best in their various categories, although every single participant in the parade was a winner.


Above you see the members of the Parade committee. These tireless participants made this incredible event happen, dedicating time and energy and their boundless enthusiasm to put the parade together. They deserve the praise and thanks of anyone who was in the parade or viewed it. Thanks for and incredible effort, and thanks for an incredible parade. You were amazing.