Bull Riding – Not Aways A Love Story


There’s not a lot of love lost between the cowboys and the bulls at the best of times, but sometimes things are a little more intense than others. As the soon as the chute opened on this ride you knew it wasn’t going to end well.


The bull had been feeling peckish most of the day and wasn’t in the best of moods to begin with.


When the cowboy with the unique headgear climbed aboard, well, that was the last straw.


The bull decided to do his patented shake and bake and then tried to roll out the dough, so to speak. With the cowboy being the dough today. When he turned to look the cowboy in the eye the message was pretty clear, “I’m not done with you yet ,boy.” being understood.


Fortunately for the cowboy, his angels in baggy pants were there to save his bacon. Distracting the bull from performing its next indignity on the cowboy, the rodeo clowns ran into the fray giving the cowboy a chance to get away with his parts intact if not his dignity.


The bull remembering his original intention of dismembering the cowboy was somewhat upset that he got away, and looked around closely for someone else to vent on.


Seeing it was pretty much over the bull let everyone know that things would be different next time. And there would be a next time. As long as there are cowboys and bulls and rodeos, next time is just around the corner.

3 Ways To Get A Bull To Do What You Want


There are 3 ways to get a bull to do what you want.

1 Ask him nicely.

2: Try to coax him out of the ring with your horses by setting a good example.

3: Get everybody in town that has a horse and a rope to come down quick to the arena so you can rope him and drag him out. Here’s how that all works out.

Number 1 doesn’t work, complete waste of time.

Number 2 sometimes works if the bull really wants to go back to the corral and forgot the way out.

Number 3 is your best bet. Get everybody you know, dozens if you can, get them in there and throw a rope on him. This doesn’t work as far as dragging him off but it gives the guys roping practice and the bull something to do for a while. He’ll break the ropes, drag the cowboys around in the dirt, buck and act all chesty, then after he feels better he’ll docilely walk back to the chute and go lay down for a while. That’s all there is to it.

That’s what was going on here at the bull riding event at the North American Indian Days, Blackfeet reservation rodeo. The bull riding comes on last at the rodeo because they need you glued in your seats until the last minute so you don’t miss a thing. The sun was already starting to set and the last light of the day was lighting up this red bull, turning him all gold and sleek, and he was just feeling the moment. There wasn’t any bad feelings or animosity he just wasn’t ready to end the day. After 10 or 15 minutes he’d had his moment and was ready to head for the back lot and a night off.

Tomorrow we’ll have the rodeo pictures up and there are some good ones. Stay tuned or if you have to leave come back soon so you don’t miss anything.

Rodeo Stars

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At the end of the rodeo performance the real stars of the show are brought out for their moment in the spotlight. These performers give their best performance every time the chute door opens. The cowboys, regardless of their skill and courage, wouldn’t get their moment in the sun if these horses didn’t give their all. And they do, show after show, whenever they’re asked to.

You can see by the fierce pride in their stance that these are not tired, depressed animals forced to be mishandled night after night, or stock brought in from the wild to be broken into submission. These are proud vibrant creatures, in their element, full of the same excitement and enthusiasm their riders are. This is as much their competition as it is for the cowboys who try and ride them.

It is a special feeling to see these stars race out into the arena . To see and get a sense of the raw power in each one really makes the rodeo come alive. These performers share top billing with the best cowboys in the business and rightfully so. They are stars and know it, they have earned this moment in the spotlight.

Note: The following is a press release from the Greeley Stampede provided for anyone interested in the Rodeo. If you’re in the area there are still a few days of rodeo left. Come on down and take one in.


For Immediate Release


June 30, 2015 (GREELEY, CO) The 93rd Annual Greeley Stampede has already gone beyond the half way mark and with barely time to recover between days all of the activities and events are still in full swing.

About 4,900 visitors got to see the 3rd performance on First Responders Night sponsored by Colorado Access and some folks stayed for the WPRA Barrel Racing Slack which ran after the rodeo.

One of the many events that has yet to happen is the Miss Rodeo Colorado Pageant. First MRC contest is the Horsemanship event which begins at 9:30 am in the Stampede Arena on Wednesday, July 1. On Thursday, July 2 the MRC Pageant Speech contest will be at 10:30 am at the Island Grove 4-H Building and the final event is the Fashion Show and Coronation at Union Colony Civic Center 701 10th Ave. on Friday, July 3 in Greeley. RSVP’s are required call 970-454-0191.

For the 4th performance of the rodeo on Wednesday, July 1st it’s Ag Day sponsored by Weld County Garage. Wear 4-H or FFA apparel to receive FREE park admission and admission to the north grandstands during the July 1 rodeo performance.

Only two regular rodeo performances left, buy your tickets to the rodeo, concerts, demo derby or get your carnival passes by calling 970-356-7787, visit any Northern Colorado King Soopers location, Ticketswest.com, Ticketswest by phone 866-464-2626 or at Greeleystampede.org.  The Stampede Ticket Office is open 9:00 am – 10:00 pm daily during the event.

Andy Segal

Media & Communications Manager

Greeley Stampede



The 2015 Greeley Stampede June 25th – July 5th!